Oh Anabella!

Historical Waipu Cemetery in Northland is literally full of some of the oldest Scottish settlers to New Zealand. Many of them under the umbrella of preacher Norman McLeod, first coming from Scotland, stopping in Novia Scotia and finally settling in New Zealand.

This lovely grave with an angel on top of a pedestal belongs to Mrs Anabella McKenzie, wife of William. The NZ Herald dated 16th March 1908 says this about her:

"Another of the now rapidly thinning band of the original settlers passed away in the person of Mrs William McKenzie of the Cave Road. The deceased arrived in Auckland with her husband on May 3rd 1858 and passed through all the trials and vicissitudes of the early pioneers. Mrs McKenzie had been a sufferer for some time and the end was not unexpected. She is survived by her husband, 5 sons and 1 daughter. Anabella was beloved by all as was evidenced by the fact that she was followed to her last resting place in the Waipu Cemetery by practically the whole settlement on the 6th instance."

Her epitaph reads: "Anabella, the beloved wife of William McKenzie born at Boularderie Island, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia (so in the middle of where the original settlers stopped temporarily) October 18th 1834, died at Lime Stone Hill,Waipu March 4th 1908."

Auckland Libraries Heritage Collections AWNS-19030305-4-4 

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Tom said…
...wonderful details on the stone, the angel looks like a more recent addition.
s.c said…
They don't look to happy on that photo especially the women but moustaches and beards can hide a lot.
local alien said…
It is interesting reading about Annabella. She had 5 sons and one daughter so she did her duty and left behind a large family to populate the new pand
magiceye said…
Interesting to delve into history.