Kohukohu Cemetery

Apparently there are 2 cemeteries in Kohukohu, this one is classed as the new one which has graves from 1900 onwards, the old on which is a Urupa is further along out of town.

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Tom said…
...I prefer older cemetery and it's great to see the grass cutting crew at work!
Billy Blue Eyes said…
If that is the new what does the older one look like. See they graze the sheep in it like in some of our churchyards
Klara said…
agree with Tom - and his comment made me laugh - grass cutting crew at work :-). it was an unusual sight but I loved it.
Himawan Sant said…
The old graves have a more interesting, gothic look.

Greetings from Indonesia.
I'd love to explore this cemetery! The older the better. The sheep look happy to help trim all the grass.
Angel charls said…
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