The Kohukohu Sundial

If you've ever been to Kohukohu you might be wondering about this scene with a sundial to the left and brick structures to the right overlooking the wharf. Apparently theses are the remains of buildings destroyed by a fire in 1967 which included the Andrewes store, a solicitor's office, a dentist's rooms, the Bank of New South Wales and it's residence - only the strong room (safe) remains.

The sundial below was made by Jack Davidson which tops an old petrol pump that use to be used by the community.

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Tom said…
...sundials are neat!
local alien said…
A lovely place for a stroll and a look at the sundial. Looks so praceful
Hels said…
What happened in 1967 that the shops, professional offices and banks were all destroyed by a fire? The waterfront view is now terrific, but I hope the fire wasn't intentional. It would have been a real pleasure to work in offices facing the wharf, boats and water.
Newcastle AU said…
A fire is so final, only one little reminder of past😯
Stefan Jansson said…
Sounds like a big fire. My dad was a volunteer firefighter for 25 years, he was also afraid of heights, so climbing that ladder was never much fun for him. Great sundial here.
magiceye said…
Lovely sundial! Thankfully preserved.

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